3 ways to become a strong LGBTQ ally

Jaclyn Torres
2 min readSep 23, 2020

As a queer member of the Boston community, I love finding signs within the city’s neighborhoods that promote inclusivity, diversity, and acceptance. My favorite line in some of the messaging is “love is love,” a key phrase embedded within the LGBTQ culture. I love this small token of allyship, as it creates a welcoming atmosphere.

Being an ally to the queer community may seem intimidating and overwhelming, but there are small actions that when done consistently strengthens your relationship to and understanding of the LGBTQ spectrum.

Seek out LGBTQ thought leadership

When you read or listen to the news, find stations and publications with queer members. It will take a little bit of research, but you will open your perspective to new, diverse voices. When you sit down to read a book, find one written by a queer author. If you’re in the mood to start a new show, choose one that includes queer characters.

Educate & share knowledge

Read up on the LGBTQ community and know where issues stand today. With the sad news of Ruth Bader Ginsburg’s passing a few days ago, there is now an open seat on the Supreme Court and a Republican nomination may unravel much of the work within the queer community. As tensions continue to rise in the White House and on Capitol Hill, it’s imperative that we understand current events and help educate others on making a difference in the LGBTQ movement.

Engage in queer conversations

Start small and work your way up. The easiest way to engage is with friends, either on the phone, over video, or in a small gathering. Bring up the current events you’re passionate about and spark a discussion. Once you feel comfortable talking amongst friends, bring the conversation to broader communities and social media. Re-post articles you read online. Encourage your network to educate themselves on LGBTQ issues.

The next time you head outside for a walk, look for signs of allyship within your own community. Think about putting up a sign in your lawn to promote inclusion, diversity, and acceptance. By working consistently to learn more about the LGBTQ community, you’ll quickly become a strong ally!

